Are you Ready For A Complete 

Digital Makeover?


Let's Work Together to Design Your Digital Blueprint* 


*Blueprint: A master plan turning chaos into order. Well-thought-out, meticulously crafted.

Remember when you unboxed that shiny new Apple device? 

You knew you were finally going get organized, be more efficient, and nothing short of a productivity powerhouse.

But let's get real for a sec. Do your days feel more like a Digital Dumpster Fire than a well-oiled machine?

Yep, you're nodding, I see you.

  • You wrap up your day with a 20 tabs open and you're left wondering, "What did I actually get done today?" 
  • Or maybe you're in APP-overwhelm. Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud Drive. Do I need ALL 3? 
  • And let’s not forget about the hide-and-seek game you’re playing with your files. You're basically a detective in your own digital life.

So here's the deal. It's time to get out of that messy digital rut and back on the road to your dreams. Because you, yes YOU, have got some big goals to crush. Let's do this, shall we?

Introducing... Designing Your Digital Blueprint

An 8-week coaching experience for fast-moving professionals who are tired of getting slowed down by tech.

After working with clients over the past decade, I've identified 8 key areas that are tripping up your productivity game.

  • Your Calendar
  • Tasks
  • Projects
  • Files and Piles
  • Notes and Ideas
  • Your Email Inbox
  • Photos
  • Goals and Planning

And here's the good news... With just 7 simple apps and my proven Digital Blueprint Framework, I've helped my clients reclaim 5 hours (or more) every single week. 

Say no more ~ I'm in!

Here's a sneak peek at what our 8 weeks of working together will look like!

Week 1: "Master Your Time, Master Your Life: A Guide to Optimizing Your Calendar"

The Problem: Days blending into weeks, a jam packed schedule, and constantly running out of time. Sound familiar? Oh, I get it. Time management can be such a hurdle when you're juggling multiple roles as a solopreneur.

The Solution: Apple Calendar or Google Calendar (yes both are great so I'll let you choose) are about to become your new besties. You'll learn the power of time-blocking, batching and my personal favorite strategy: Spotlight Sunday!  You'll see how these apps and a few of my favorite strategies will allow you to have more time for what truly matters—both in your business and your personal life. 

Week 2: "Simplify to Amplify: Managing Tasks with Things3"

The Problem: You've got to-do lists scattered everywhere—in your phone, on sticky notes, maybe even on your hand! The result? Tasks slip through the cracks, and stress levels soar.

The Solution: Enter Things3, a task management app that's as easy as paper and as beautiful as it is functional. Capture tasks the moment they pop into your head and organize them into achievable daily and weekly goals. 

Week 3: "From Chaos to Clarity: Project Management with Notion"

The Problem: You've got projects stashed in email threads, scribbled on notepads, and stuck in your head. It's like herding cats!

The Solution: Notion is about to become your project command center. With super simple databases, Kanban boards, Calendar overviews and tagging features, it's the ultimate solution to simplify your project management. Oh, and I've got you covered with done for you templates!

Week 4: "Declutter Your Digital Space: Google Drive Organizational Hacks"

The Problem: Your Desktop is a hot mess and your multiple file storage apps are driving you nuts. Important files go missing, and your 'Downloads' folder well that's a total black hole. We've all been there!

The Solution: Google Drive is your digital file cabinet. With just a few simple organizational secrets we can whip your file management system into shape!  You'll quickly be able to find and share them effortlessly, and even collaborate in real-time. Imagine finding that important document in just seconds. Game-changer, right?

Week 5: "Inbox Zero Hero: Email Management with Spark"

The Problem: Email inboxes bursting with newsletters you never read, a mix of important client emails, and the occasional spam—overwhelming, isn't it?

The Solution: Spark's top 3 features will make you stop dreading your inbox. You'll actually find yourself spending less time in email!  ... and dare I say, you might even fall in love with your new communication tool!

Week 6: "Never Lose an Idea Again: The Power of GoodNotes"

The Problem: Ideas are currency in our world. But keeping track? That's a whole other story. Lost ideas mean lost opportunities.

The Solution: GoodNotes is more than a note-taking app, it's your digital notebook for the 21st century. Quickly capture those ideas with handwritten notes, create sketches, and design mind maps. Perfect for importing PDFs to take notes, highlight and even fill out. Never lose an idea again, and feel that satisfaction as you see your bank of ideas grow!

Week 7: "Picture Perfect: Simplifying Photo Management with Google Photos"

The Problem: We've all been there, you try to send someone a must see photo but all you see are photos scattered across devices, mixed up with super funny gifs and screenshots! It's enough to make anyone feel an instant sense of overwhelm.

The Solution: Google Photos not only backs up your photos but also sorts them using intelligent algorithms. Want to keep all photos of your favorite aunt Betty easily accessible? Find that one specific photo from three years ago in seconds? You can with Google photos - relive your memories without the clutter!

Week 8: "Dream it, Plan it, Do it: Goal Setting with Notion"

The Problem: Goals are the compass for your business and life, but let's face it, planning can be a struggle.

The Solution: We're bringing Notion back for this one because it's just that good for planning and goal-setting.  I'll share with you my complete goal setting process to brainstorm, break down those big visions into manageable steps, and even create a digital vision board to inspire you to go for it. Your dreams are about to become your reality!

For 8 weeks, you and I will be working together to setup, simplify and streamline each of these key areas. 

Here's Your Next Steps:

  1. Click one of the buttons below. Choose between 2 easy payment options.
  2. Select a date for your 1st session: We'll select the rest soon.
  3. Fill in your new client  questionaire. We'll be following the Digital Blueprint framework but I'll be customizing each session for you.
  4. Meet and conquer: Log into Zoom, and let's get to the good stuff. Together, we'll tackle each challenge week by week and set you on a path to time freedom and productivity bliss!

8 Week Digital Makeover


Pay In Full


8 Week Digital Makeover


3 Payment Plan


Here's what's included your 8-week coaching experience:

  • 8 Mini Lessons: Start each week strong with a mini lesson that sets the stage for what we'll dive into during our one-on-one time together.
  • 8 One-on-One Weekly Zoom Coaching Sessions: This is our weekly time together. Personalized coaching for personalized results!
  • Session Recordings: Need to hear something I share twice? No problem! Each session will be recorded so you can watch and rewatch at your own pace.
  • Follow-Up Email Notes: After each session, you'll get a recap email with tailored recommendations. It's like your digital productivity cheat sheet!
  • 3 Months of Email Support:  Of course I'm only an email away during our 8 weeks together, BUT you'll also receive an extra 30 days of email support after our "official" weekly sessions end.



Let's turn your favorite Apple devices into the productivity powerhouses they were meant to be! 

I'm Ready! Let's do this

Still have questions?

Book a free clarity to call to see if this coaching experience is right for you.

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